The Baron's army came about as a result of the smattering of chaos minis I had bought on a whim and the remnants of the old Skeleton army box set that were still knocking around in my collection. The Chaos warrior in bone armour (seen posing on the ridge in the pic to the left!) inspired me to join the two forces together - and hopefully save me a bit of money by getting 2 armies for the price of one!
If you missed the Baron first time round here's a little reminder -
So on with the list - this time I have gone to town a bit with the magic items as it seems to fit in more with the character of the army.
Major Characters and Rank and File
Baron Kraust
Level 25 Necromancer
2 handed weapon (Parasitic blade) and chaos armour
400 points
3 units of 10 Death Riders
Each unit includes a Level 15 Skeleton hero and standard bearer
Shields, lances and hand weapons
Total points - 328
Undead Chariot with wheel scythes
Crew have handweapons, shields and include a level 10 skeleton hero
167 points
20 Skeleton Warriors
Handweapons and shields
Level Hero and standard bearer
278 points

10 Grim Reapers
Level 10 champion
120 points

Level 10 hero and standard
187 points

16 Skeleton Archers
Bows and light armour
224 points
20 Zombies (1 bought so far!)
Level 10 Undead hero
138 points
Undead Giant
Haven't seen any 3rs ed. stats or points value for this so have used regular Giant's stats.
250 points
2 Screaming Skull Catapults
170 points
Ethereal Host
3 Wraiths
450 points
200 points
Chaos Allies
Chaos Knight Contingent Leader
Chaos steed, barding
Heavy armour, shield, hand weapon and lance
289 points
4 Mounted Chaos Warriors (2 to source)
Warhorses, barding
Heavy armour, shields, lances and hand weapons
Magic Standard
657 points
Level 10 Chaos Sorcerer
85 points
5 Chaos Centaurs
Double handed weapons and light armour
Level 10 Champion
324 points
10 Beastmen
Hand weapons, shields and standard
Level 10 Beastman champion
Heavy armour and two handed weapon
242 points
2 Minotaurs
Hand weapons
80 points
11 Thug Archers
Light armour, bows, hand weapons
Musician and standard
Marauder Champion - light armour, pistol and two handed weapon
171 points
10 Thugs
Light armour, shields and hand weapons
Chaos Warrior champion - heavy armour, shield and hand weapon
13 Monks of the Red Redemption
Hand weapons and shields
Champion, Standard bearer and musician
170 points
14 Chaos Dwarfs
Heavy armour, shields and hand weapons
Level 10 hero, standard and musician
409 points
Beastmaster and 3 Chaos Hounds
86 points
Chaotic Host -
200 points
200 points
200 points
Basilisk - I have the mini but can't find any mention of it in the 3rd ed. bestiary or Army book. May be being a bit blind so if anyone knows any stats for this beastie let me know - otherwise I'll just make my own up.
2 mutant Ogres
Hand weapons/flail
84 points
Dark Elf Allies
Dark Elf Sorceror
Level 10 - Contingent commander
118 points
5 Dark Elf Doomdrakes (2 to source)
Light armour, shields, hand weapons, lances and repeating crossbows
Level 10 champion and standard bearer
347 points
The Dark Elves may turn into their own little skirmishing force - been quite tempted by the marauder Dark and Witch Elves for a while now...
Total Points value - (quite fittingly almost!) 6600 points