
Sunday 15 September 2024

Giants and Spiders...

So on to the real big guys of the army this week - those little Snotties need all the help they can get!

I've been wanting to get my hands on this model since first laying my eyes on it, while browsing Ral Partha Europe's webstore. Not only is it a fantastic kit but the name alone makes it a must have - the Gargantoid Crawling Fortress!

It's from their 15mm Demonworld Goblin range and pretty reasonable for £30 - there's a whole lot of lead there. There's a few useful bits from this range that make pretty good additions to the Citdael Snotlings - or at least the less well equipped and dressed Goblins do!

There are supposed to be a few more crew armed with bows to man the howdah and there's also a driver who sits on the spider's head, cracking hs whip. Unfortuately I ran out of time before BOYL to get them done and they were a bit too well dressed for Snotlings too, so we'll see if they get added at a later date.

The Gargantoid Crawling Fortress stands in for one of the Dreadnoughts that can be rolled up on the Space Ork army tables in the original Glazer's Creek scenario - it certainly makes for an impressive centrepiece for the Snotling army and gave the Halfling players something to think about!

It was surprisingly quick and easy to paint up - lots of spider fur and wood for drybrushing! I think covering the base with vallejo European mud was the most time consuming bit.

Another Ral Partha purchase filled the second slot a dreadnough could fill in the original scenario. Snitgob the Troll was another must have for the Snotling tribe - perhaps his runny nose explains the affinity he feels for the little bogeys!

Snitgob is a bit bigger than your average Citadel Troll and could pass for a more human looking Giant with the right paint scheme. I had considered going that way as he's a similar size to the old Citadel Giants and he might have done double duty in the small Giant army I have planned for the future...

Instead I went for a pale a sickly green scheme to suggest his usual subterranen habitat. 

Again, like with many Ral Partha models, he's a lovely big chunk of lead for a very reasonable price and once again the texturing and simplicity of the model made for a quick and satisfying painting session.

Nearly done with the Snotling army so I'd best get my arse in gear and get back on with the painting - there's a late arrival I never had time to paint for the Halfling army, as well as a few finishing touches to some of the other units and Halfling village scenery! I think, rather than taking a million photos to show off the main body of the Snotling Horde, I'll showcase the Snotling characters and the army as a whole next week...

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