Ugh - over a whole month without posting! The daft thing is I've no end of things to post about and I think this will be my excuse this time!!
I had been planning on posting up some spooky stuff I painted up for my very slowburn Wood Elf army, which I also took down to use in our yearly Halloween game with the Warlords of Albion - Night of the Living Lead. There was going to be action-packed in game shots and everything.
Then I thought it would be a good idea to paint up the stuff I bought from Foundry while we were down there that would fit in nicely with my newly painted up Elf stuff and make a good addition to the blog post.
Then I thought it would be a great idea to kitbash and paint another unit to go with them.
So we're not doing any of that in this post because it's still on the painting desk. In case you hadn't guessed from the delightful title of this post - you're getting Snotlings again!
So I figure it was about time I wrap up with the Snotlings - I do have a couple of little extras, also on the painting table to finish them off, but I felt a post about a slightly incomplete army (is any army ever complete...?) is better than no post at all. I've got the Halflings to share with you yet and the village of Grazer's Leat - not to mention the game we played all the way back in August!
Anyhow - on with the Snots! First up is the mysterious power behind this unusually organised and motivated rabble of Snotlings - Old Mother Snot. The apparent brains and motivating force behind the unusually organised and determined wave of recent Snotling raids. Old Mother Snot, once a figure of myth and folklore intended to scare young and wayward Halfling children, is now a living reality for the inhabitants of Grazer’s Leat. Some say she is a Goblin witch, others declare her an overgrown Snotling queen, whilst a small and fanciful minority regard her as a supernatural force - literally a legend come to life. She wields magical powers and is a L10 magic user.

Old Mother Snot is often seen accompanied by various disgusting subterranean creatures that she has made pets of. One such creature is the Sniffler - This abhorrent monstrosity sports a large trunk and can sniff out food from long distances. This includes Halflings, revealing any hidden Halfling models within 12” of the Sniffler. This also includes those outside of a normal charge radius to nearby Snotlings, thus enabling them to be charged by any nearby Snotlings. Additionally its prehensile trunk is perfect for ensnaring victims and acts as net would. The Brain is another addition to the menagerie - This walking brain is perhaps part of the source behind Old Mother Snot’s powers. While it is on the table, Old Mother Snot may randomly select any spell of the appropriate level (apart from summon Undead or Demon spells) that she does not already have mastery over. Additionally the brain can take control of any Halfling within a 6” range if they fail a willpower test. Control lasts for the remainder of that turn and renders the poor Halfling helpless and inactive until it gains its senses back in the following turn.

Along with Old Mother Snot's weird pets is a crazy cabal of Big Snots and Really Big Snots, who perform a vaguely similar function to Heroes and Leaders of the army...
Batshit Snozzborn - This mutant Goblin is a fearsome and baffling foe. A diet of too many hallucinogenic mushrooms has slowly destroyed his mind and he is now reduced to incoherent mumblings and extremely erratic behaviour. Because he is so weird and terrifying, Batshit causes fear even amongst the defenders of Grazer’s Leat.
This chap was a very late addition and didn't feature in the original lineup for the game - think I came across him in a box and realised that I'd probably never featured him on the blog and that he'd fit quite nicely in with the Snotlings - Lord knows he doesn't fit in anywhere else!
Goober - A most unfortunate individual. Not only a Snotling but a hideously deformed and mutated Snotling. Some say he has a bit of Troll in him but lord knows how it got there. He has an extra point of toughness and regenerative powers but also suffers from stupidity. At least the smaller Snots feel safe around him due to his size, even if he does exude a terrible stench.
Some of you will no doubt recognise Goober as Derek the Troll, who used to feature in his own comic strip in White Dwarf back in the day!
Snerd Bogeye - A particularly ugly Goblin runt who has found acceptance amongst the Snots. His bulging eyes, although rather disconcerting, are well suited to the low light conditions of Snotling warrens or any other dank dark hole for that matter. Because of his improved eyesight he gains an additional +1 saving throw for any successful attacks - close combat or missile.
Dunno if that makes sense but I had to give him a bonus rule!
This chap also turned out to be unexpectedly photogenic so you get three pictures of him!
Firkin - This Goblin has a serious drink problem and delusions of grandeur to boot. Having lorded it over the Snotlings for far too long, he now considers himself a Giant and unfortunately behaves accordingly when suitably inebriated! He is subject to alcoholism and must roll at the beginning of each turn to see if his drunkenness affects him that turn. If he fails the roll he may not make normal attacks, as well as being affected by the normal rules for alcoholism. Instead randomly determine which Giant attack he makes and halve the strength of that attack. Firkin seemed to go down very well with the players in the game and provided many laughs.
Mucus Glutinus - diminutive in size but not in ego. This Snotling is nothing special in terms of physical prowess but has risen through what passes as the ranks in Old Mother Snot's rabble, thanks to his terrier-like ferocity. He is subject to Frenzy.
Snotlings can be quite tricky to photograph well - you get two pics of this one because I wasn't sure I'd got his best side!
Booger and Flem - a pair of mutant Snotlings who love nothing more than snaring hapless victims in their net before hitting them with large clubs. Any enemy beaten by Booger in combat is snared in his net and suffers a free hack from Flem’s club.
Ages ago (might have been years even!) I repainted my old Squigs - a few 4th ed ones and a lone little fella from the old Tyranid Squig swarm. The occasion was that I had got my hands on some of Foundry's version - sold as "creatures" along with their brilliant Orclings!
Yes that looks like a Squig with arms and a bloody great sword. No I can't remember the story behind the model or if it's even available! Lovely miniature though!
And the original class of 91/92! I still hanker after at least one full base of the Tyranid Squigs...
More Foundry fun - The Orcling Bouncers. Absolutely love these space-hopper lunatics!
Very handy as stand ins for Squig Hoppers too.
I have a vague memory that there was actually a little rules set written for them with special rules for spiky helmets and big boots!
Just for completeness sake as I think they were missed out with the earlier Snotling posts - Foundry Orclings and toadstools...
... but the chap with the watering can is Citadel.
Ral Partha's 15mm Demonworld Goblins make another appearance - this time their Spider Hunters fulfilling the role of netters.
There's a few Goblins in there that look a little well dressed/armoured for a Snotling but they get a pass from me. I have some of the Running Spears waiting to be painted - two goblins running with a big sharpened stick - which I figured might make good Squig herders.
So I shall leave you with a few big army shots - perhaps one day when I finish off the Orcling Scouts and Demonworld Running Spears, this army may be considered... nearly finished!
I'm so in love with your Snotlings! Amazing dedication,thois is awesome!!
ReplyDeleteWell they're a whole load of faces that only a mother would love so I'm sure they appreciate it - thanks Suber! I don't know about dedication - I think this lot were more akin to that hard to reach one that you really have to dig around up your left nostril for ;)
DeleteA fantastic fun army. I am looking forward to seeing when they invite themselves to first lunch with the Halflings. 😂
ReplyDeleteCheers Cato - they were a lot of fun to put together and paint. I'll be sure to dig out the pics from the game at Bring Out your Lead we had earlier this year and do my best to remember what actually went on! XD
DeleteLoving mother Snot! What a great and eclectic selection of gobbos
ReplyDeleteThanks Phil - I actually misread the first part of your comment as one of those "Holy... Batman..." lines from the old Adam West TV series - Loving Mother of Snot! I might have to adopt it!
DeleteWhoopee! Lovely stuff. What a great kick up the pants to get on with my snotling horde. Great seeing so many snots together with such character throughout.
ReplyDeleteCheers Geoff - hope I didn't steal too much thunder there! I put it down to great minds thinking alike ;) Your idea was the original though and I'd love to see it in all its snotty glory one day - especially if you decide to sculpt anything for it in the process that I can buy with my cash! Looking forward to seeing you and the gang at the weekend!
DeleteThe bounders are a total win. Nice collection of minis. And painted no less!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dave - aye, painted is the main thing!
DeleteThose all look really great. And when grouped all together certainly make an impression. I'm not sure what Snotlings are but I'm sure it'd be a fun army to play. 😁
ReplyDeleteCheers Stew - the name kind of says it al for Snotlings... XD
DeleteDefinitely low stakes to play with - winning a game wold be a nice additional surprise with this lot!