
Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Plugging the Gaps...

Some more unpainted lead today I'm afraid, but it is quite exciting unpainted lead!

As I'm slowly getting myself reacquainted with Orc's Drift again in preparation for our Oldhammer weekend at Foundry in the summer, my attention has turned back to the scenario character models that were released, and in particular those that have still evaded my grasp. I'm hoping to have as many of the original minis with which to play the scenarios at the event.

Happily two of the missing surfaced on ebay recently and I was lucky enough to nab them. Thanks in particular to fellow Oldhammerer, Steve, who's extensive stocks of old lead yielded up the Druid Snart - shame Mayor Leofwine teached the dizzy heights of £30 or so and escaped me! By the way, if you're into RoC or are preparing a warband for the event then check out the scans Steve has posted from WD104 on making mutants. 

The other fellow I've tracked down is King F'yar himself. sat astride his War Wyvern.

Having been the proud owner of the later Orc War Wyvern I never really tried that hard to procure F'yar - the War Wyvern is one of my favourite O&G minis (also one of the first I ever bought) and I was never that excited about the earlier Ackland sculpt of F'yar from what I had seen.

Mr Ackland, I take it all back! Having seen the mini up close I was pleasantly surprised to find that I love it! F'yar himself oozes character and the Wyvern was a fair bit bigger than I expected.

Although still a little diminutive compared to the later War Wyvern, I am now an Ackland convert and can't wait to get some paint slapped on.

So that leaves Mayor Leofwine, Osrim Chardz and Hagar Sheol to complete the scenario character - plus sundry villagers. 

Hmmm I think I know how Gaj feels about his Lichemaster project and the daunting financial task of tracking down the eponymous character from that scenario! 

Well we can only see what turns up, but I think its safe to say that I don't have the £200 or so that will probably be needed to purchase the last three characters - or be willing to part with that kind of cash for what is after all three (beautifully sculpted and desirable!) lumps of lead...


  1. Does no one have the minis you are missing so they can at least lend them to you for the day? What you've done is amazing and will be fantastic fun without needing every last detail in place but surely amongst so many Oldhammerers a temporary arrangement can be made? Anyone want their Leofwine, Osrim or Sheol to be a star for a day?

    1. Nice idea - but with great minis comes great responsility - especially if they're someone else's!

  2. I'd love to see this completed, it's quite the act of devotion! I'll certainly keep an eye out for the last refugees.

    1. Cheers Mr S - its certainly getting that way! IT would be fantastic to track down the last few MIA. Just hope they come with a price tag I can actually swallow...

  3. Notice you have the poster now too. I recall at one point (now maybe 2-3 years ago) you didn't until ahem sorted out..

    1. Yep - managed to procure an almost full set. Scenario booklet, command sheets and the poster - not to mention all the card counters (cut out). All I'm missing is the badge!

  4. Gosh I had that druid once.I had forgotten him .Thanks for prompting happy memories!

    1. My pleasure! I'm certainly looking forward to painting him up so he can replace the hammer wielding (and not particularly pacifist) chap I have masquerading as Snart at the moment.
